Ed Innova - Award of Distinction
Ed Innova Presents Award of distinction in every category. Ed Innova, India’s leading Ed Tech Platform / Advertising Agency is pleased to acknowledge your success in your own field and recognize your ability, struggle, effort, and excellence above all, with a recognition Award!!
Nominate now at free of Cost
Who Are Eligible?
- Entrepreneur
- Start -up
- Brands
- Social Worker
- Educators/Teachers/Coach
- Content Creators
- Astrologers/Tarot card readers/Psychic Healers
- Any Artist
- Authors
- Any other public figure with a distinctive contribution to society.
What Is Required?
- Nature of Business/ field
- What makes you stand apart from the crowd?
- Any milestone achieved during your journey?
- Please mention your previous achievements with certificates or any official records
- Share your Website link, LinkedIn Profile, social Media handles and Previous Media coverage link
- Email id and Phone Number

Please note the category and title of the Award will be decided basis your response only. Once shortlisted, you will be informed with the category and the title of the Award over mail along with other details!
As part of its ongoing Award felicitation program, Ed Innova will continue to recognize notable people from all walks of life for their contributions to and successes in their respective fields in an effort to inspire them to strengthen society.
Contact now to discuss in details!
Ed Innova presents Award of Distinction 2023
Ed Innova Award of Distinction 2023 – 50 distinguished Businesses, brands, and Individuals get felicitated by Mir Ranjan Negi and Ishu Kalra

On 26th November in New Delhi, India, Noida-based Advertising Agency Ed Innova recognized 50 distinguished Businesses, brands, and Individuals from all across India. Out of 500 nominations, only 50 Awardees were selected and felicitated from all the sectors that have made extraordinary contributions in their respective fields. Esteemed Chief Guest Mir Ranjan Negi and Brand Ambassador of Ed Innova Ishu Kalra presented the trophies and certificates to all the Awardees.